All American Barrel Race

Triple Crown Equestrian Center

3033 Gladding Road, Lincoln, CA

Entries will open June 1st.  Online pre-entries will close Wednesday, June 27th at 6pm.  $10 late fee will apply after pre-entry deadline.

Time Only Slot Reservations will open on Thursday, June 28th at 9am

Dress code in effect, long sleeve/button up/collared shirt and Cowboy Hat or Helmet.  Dress code is WAIVED for Friday night warm up race.



Friday, June 29th

3-6pm Time Only/Exhibition Runs ($5 cash at the gate, no reservation)

7pm $100 Added Warm Up 4D Barrel Race, $25 Entry Fee (includes $5 WCBRA fee) 70% payback

Saturday, June 30th

8-10am Time Only/Exhibition Runs (online reservation required)

10am PeeWee

11am Open $1,000 Added All American 4D Barrel Race $65 Entry Fee (includes $5 WCBRA fee) 70% Payback

Youth $100 Added 4D $35 Entry Fee 70% Payback

Novice 5D $25 Entry Fee 70% Payback (horse not to have won more than $500)

Sunday, July 1st
8-10am Time Only/Exhibition Runs (online reservation required)

10am PeeWee
11am Open $1,000 Added All American 4D Barrel Race $65 Entry Fee (includes $5 WCBRA fee) 70% Payback
Youth $100 Added 4D $35 Entry Fee 70% Payback
Novice 5D $25 Entry Fee 70% Payback (horse not to have won more than $500)

$100 Average/Sidepot $35 Entry Fee (includes $5 WCBRA fee) 70% Payback (no awards)

Sidepots (Carry Over from Open Only) $25 Entry Fee 70% Payback

Saturday 19-45 Aged Contestants

Sunday 19-45 Aged Contestants

Saturday 46+ Aged Contestants

Sunday 46+ Aged Contestants

Average Awards:  There is no entry fee to qualify for average awards.

5D Splits for Novice (EXAMPLE)

1D 17.500

2D 18.000

3D 18.500

4D 19.500

5D 20.500

Youth contestants are those that are 18 and under.